Jenny Paddison, Class of 1997

Posted by Jenny Paddison on 27 May 2024

Modified by MHSG Admin on 28 May 2024

Jenny Paddison, Class of 1997

I’ve been a part of the MHSG community since I joined UIIH (Year 5) in 1988 with my indoor and outdoor shoes and a duffle coat that still just about fitted me when I was 16! After completing my A-levels, I spent some time in the Prep Department before heading off to university and regularly returned over the next few years. I even spent a couple of weeks working in Prep in September 1999 having received a phone call from Sheila Coulter (the Head of Prep at the time) asking if I would be willing to help out before returning to university as they were short staffed for the start of term. In 2001, after finishing university, I applied for a job in Prep and the rest, as they say, is history. Twenty three years later, I’m still working at MHSG. During my time at MHSG as a pupil and as a member of staff, I have seen a number of significant changes to the buildings and grounds, the uniform change from black and yellow to grey and purple, have been a part of numerous events and have made some very good friends.


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