Elise Lempfert, Class of 1886

Posted by Elise Lempfert on 10 Jun 2024

Modified by MHSG Admin on 10 Jun 2024

Elise Lempfert's application form

Elise Lempfert was a pupil at MHSG in the 1880s.  She later became a piano student of Clara Schumann and, a true Manchester High girl, in 1898 she became the co-founder of the Kvinderådet (The Women's Council in Denmark) which still campaigns today for the rights of women.  We were intrigued to discover from her application form that her referee for entry to the School was Philippine Kyllmann who taught French in the Preparatory Department. Mrs Kyllmann is famous for her contribution to the campaign for votes for women and was one of the signatories of the 1866 Women’s Suffrage petition. We are proud of these two remarkable women who worked so hard to promote women’s rights.







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